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      Well, where do I start.  I certainly cannot tell my whole life story, nor would I feel very good about publishing it on the Internet.  So, I guess I can tell you that I am 20 years old.  I have a wife who is also 20, yet older than me by one month and twenty seven days (but who's counting?).  Anyways, let's see, some things I like, well...

I like...

     I am also a freelance web page designer. I like to program them myself using a combination of scripting languages. If you would like to contact me about designing a web page for you or someone else, then drop me a line. I live in the United States in the state of Oregon. I am a native of the Northwest, but love to travel. My company is ©ZBDesign's and I can do a web site for you from anywhere in the world via e-mail, snail mail, telecommunications, etc. Give me a call at


Comments? Questions? Then e-mail me at zackbarresse@hotmail.com Your comments and suggestions are very appreciated!