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If you would like to contact me for a job, please e-mail me at ebarresse@hotmail.com or call me at 541-481-3327.

If you would like to contact me on a non-business matter then e-mail me at zackbarresse@hotmail.com and I will get back to you as soon as I can.

My company is ©ZBDesign's, and I make web pages, private and corporate. I adjust to your needs and wants. Would you like to see my price listings? These can be accomodated to your special needs, if need be. These are flexible and not set in stone.

Not in Boardman Oregon? Not a problem. Are you on planet Earth? Solution! You can be anywhere in the world, given you speak english (or want to teach me a new language). Just see above for ways to contact me and we'll get the ball rolling.

Just want a web page don't want to pay to register? It's ok. You can upload it to the web for FREE! I can show you how to edit your own home page.

If your looking for fast, friendly service, then you've come to the right place. ©ZBDesign's is not only time efficient, but inventive, flexible and creative also. Did I mention creative? Very.

Worried about web security? Not a problem. With my web pages, you are nothing but secure. No personal information will be released except what you want me to. Add as much or as little as you want.

So if you would like a web page designed and implimented, then drop me a line!

-Zachary Barresse ©ZBDesign's